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Be a Lake Steward!

If you want to protect beautiful North & South Center Lakes, we must manage our land. Be a Lake Steward in the new CLA Lake Steward Program.

By Jeff Forester, Executive Director, Minnesota lakes and Rivers Advocates

North & South Center Lakes are jewels among Minnesota’s more than 11,000 lakes. Like all valuables, our lakes need to be protected. Those of us who love and live on North & South Center Lakes are leaders in protecting it. Now you can become a Center Lakes Steward.

This summer Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates and Center Lake Association have launched a new Lake Steward Program, and we invite every CLA member to get involved. The best part is that it all begins with a simple 10 Question Survey.

Protecting water quality means appropriately managing the land use in our watershed to reduce the amount of pollution that enters the lake, and the watershed begins at your lake shore. Not only is shoreline important for water quality, but breeding birds, fish, and pollinators all rely on a “healthy” shoreline.

The question is, how do we know if our shoreline is healthy?

The first step is to “score your shore”. We are inviting all North & South Center Lake property owners to complete Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates Score Your Shore Mini Assessment.

The Score Your Shore Mini Assessment Survey takes only a few minutes to complete, and provides you with valuable information about your property.

Once you have completed the Score Your Shore Mini Assessment, a CLA volunteer will contact you to schedule a site visit where you can talk more about how you use your shoreline, the values you want to protect (your good view of the water, panfishing off the dock, songbird habitat etc.)

Those who want to take the steps to become a Lake Steward will be awarded a beautiful Lake Steward sign to let people know you value water quality, and manage your shoreline to promote that value. The sign can be displayed on your property or on the end of the dock. If you have questions, would like a Lake Steward sign, or are interested in taking a more active role in CLA Lake Stewards Program, please email Nancy Moe-Mergens at Lake Stewards will model best practices on their shore land properties, and they can be sources of information for property owners who are interested in making lake friendly changes. We look forward to expanding the program with seed and plant sharing, site visits, and involvement in annual shoreline assessments similar to the loon survey.

No one loves North & South Center Lakes more than those of us who live and recreate here - become a Lake Steward and promote healthy shorelines, vibrant shoreline habitats and clean water.


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