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Adopt a Drain!

This spring, Chisago County officially became a member of Adopt-a-Drain, with a goal of engaging local residents to help prevent water pollution. Storm drains help to protect neighborhoods against flooding, but they also flow to our local streams and lakes, carrying debris and pollutants off the streets and into our water.

You can make a difference by volunteering just 15-minutes, twice a month, to keep your nearest storm drain clear of litter, leaves, grass clippings and dirt. Go to and use the map to find your neighborhood storm drains - then click and sign-up to adopt. If you don't see your drain on the map, you can also add a new drain by address. Spend a few minutes each month picking up the garbage and debris near your drain and then go online to report your work so that we can measure our collective impact. And there's a bonus: you get to name your drain!

This is a wonderful volunteer opportunity for families!


CLA Sponsors

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