***UPDATE 4/15/24****
It was an excellent weekend to work on the construction of the loon nesting platforms! Thanks to generous donations, 12 volunteers, and some great planning, the platforms are complete! There is already a plan to deploy the nest on North Center.
We need another volunteer to help with deployment of the South Center nesting platform! Due to the low water levels in the North/South channel under Hwy 8, navigation is difficult. We are in search of a volunteer in the next day or two that has a pontoon/fishing boat in the water on South Center that could help to transport this nesting site and place it in the water with the anchors. The nesting platform is about 4 feet square and light weight.
If you can help, reach out to shweiss318@gmail.com!
***UPDATE 4/1/24****
Exciting update on our Loon nesting platform project. We are just $183 away from our goal of $423 to acquire the materials needed to build the platforms for North and South Center lakes. We have a generous offer to match funds to help us attain our goal. Cash donations will be used to purchase materials required to build the platforms.
We will have a get-together of volunteers to help build the platforms and are in need of a few more. The build date is Saturday, April 13th, on North Center Lake. Construction to begin at 10AM.
***ORIGINAL POST 3/19/24***
Center Lakes Association will be building two loon nesting platforms, one to be placed on each lake. The loons have experienced a series of unsuccessful nesting years. There are several possible reason for the unsuccessful nesting: fluctuating lake levels, predators, and large waves.
Our goal is to provide two new nesting options this spring. We are asking for donations of materials or cash for this project, as each platform costs approximately $423. Please let us know if you are willing to donate any of the materials listed below. They can be dropped off or we will pick them up. Materials will be accepted from now until April 7. Please send an email listing the specific items you have to: shweiss318@gmail.com
Cash donations will be used to purchase any remaining materials.
Please mail cash or checks to:
CLA, PO Box 568, Lindstrom, MN, 55045
Mark the envelope "Loon"
We will have a get-together of volunteers to help build the platforms. The build date is Saturday, April 13th, on North Center Lake. Construction to begin at 10AM.
If you are interested in helping, please contact us at shweiss318@gmail.com
Materials Required for a single nest
12’ of 4” PVC pipe
Four 4” PVC 90° angle joints
Four 1⁄2" PVC T-joint with threaded female part
Four 1⁄2” PVC adapter with male threaded part
10’ section of 1⁄2" PVC pipe
PVC primer and cement (~4 oz each)
Two cans of spray foam
One tube of 100% waterproof silicone or latex caulk
Tube of marine epoxy (should be one package of two separate tubes)
One 4’ x 8’ foam insulation board (2” thick)
Two wood blocks (approximately 2” x 2” x 4” each)
Eight 1” galvanized roofing nails
Four 2” x 3/8” brass bolts with matching nuts and washers
Two 36” plastic garden stakes
Roll of vinyl coated chicken wire (3’ tall if possible)
Two cement blocks for anchors
Black, green, or other dark-colored snow fencing if possible (only need 4' x 8')1
18” zip ties (or 20”, quantity 6-8 zip ties)
24” heavy duty cable ties (minumum of 16)
Sandpaper (80 grit)
Packing peanuts (optional)
2 sections of fire hose or rubber/neoprene inner tube, 4” by 33”
*We need double of each set of material to build a nest for both North and South Center Lake