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Ice Out Cleanup This Weekend

It won't be long and the ice houses will be off the lake and the sound of loon calls will echo across the lake!

But before that happens, there is an important event taking place that you may not be aware of. Each year a group of vounteers spend a few hours cleaning up trash left behind from all the winter activites held on the lake.

While most users of the lake do their best to pick up trash, there is inevietably a lot of trash left behind. Trash that is not picked up could end up on the bottom of the lake or your shore line.

Would you please consider offering a couple hours of your time on either Saturday or Sunday this weekend? Crews will be working both North and South Center from 10-12 and 2-4 on Saturday and Sunday.

Crews will meet at the North Center boat landing and the South Center boat landing. Garbage bags will be provided so just show up and we'll divide the areas of the lake out from there.

If you have an ATV, UTV or snowmobile, please feel free to bring it.

You can sign up here to let us know if you're coming. We'll take all the help we can get! If the slots are full in the time you're available to help, please just show up anyway.

Lake Life is Great When We all Particapte!


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