The annual Fall Meeting will be held Saturday, September 9th at the Chisago Lakes Library at 11754 302nd St. in Chisago City.
The business meeting will begin at 9:30 AM followed by a speaker. Coffee and Roles will be available.
All current Center Lakes members and non-members are encouraged to attend!
Our Guest Speaker is Jeff Forester with Minnesota Lakes & Rivers.
Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR) is an advocacy group solely focused on protecting Minnesota’s lake and river heritage for current and future generations by forging powerful links between lakes, lake advocates, and policy makers.
Please visit their website at www.mnlakesandrivers.org to learn more about what they do and what they stand for. One of the great ways that they can be helpful to us is in contacting our representatives.
Jeff will speak about the advocacy group that he works with,
and will show us how to contact our legislative reps so that
we can inform them about the concerns of the lake shore
He will have an informative session for us!